Reading group on Adam Tooze’s Carbon Notes

Centre for Sustainable Futures, Nordic Humanities Center and DFF-project Promises of Promethanism invite researchers and students at UCPH Humanities and other interested parties to join our reading group on Adam Tooze’s Carbon Notes.

In recent years, British historian Adam Tooze has emerged as a prominent public intellectual in debates about economic policy and and climate politics.

After recently having published influential books on the financial crisis and on how COVID-19 shook the world economy, he is now working on a book about climate politics, which will undoubtedly offer a key contribution to the debate across the world, including the Nordics.

To prepare for the publication of Tooze’s take on climate politics, we will read five of the so-called carbon notes that he has published in preparation for his book:

Carbon Note 1: Repowering the world - the challenge of electrification

Carbon Note 2: The "Western" energy transitions - narcissism of small differences

Carbon Note 3: Four trillion dollars per annum - The shock of reality from sustainable development thinking

Carbon Note 4: From Feast to Famine: Apartheid's power bonanza and the genesis of South Africa's electricity crisis

Carbon Note 5: Green hydrogen, the "gas of the future"?

Everyone is welcome. Please write to Rune Korgaard ( if you would like to participate.