Interviews, podcasts and outreach
Historiske landskabsforandringer og Grøn Trepart
Podcast with Bo Fritzbøger (in Danish)
Reflections on Danish agriculture
Podcast with Frida Hastrup (in Danish)
The earth is - still - calling! With Frida Hastrup
Podcast with Frida Hastrup (in Danish)
Biodiversity is about our existence
Podcast with Bo Fritzbøger (in Danish)
We need a new way of thinking about resources, growth and the relationship with our surroundings.
Interview with Frida Hastrup (in Danish)
Trench warfare has ravaged the debate about growth for decades. Corona can get people up out of the trenches.
Podcast with Bo Fritzbøger in Information (in Danish)
Why is it so hard to drop meat?
Podcast with Frida Hastrup in Information (in Danish)
Production animals: a gallery for the art of the possible
New exhibition from Cattle Crossroads (in Danish)
Stunning new exhibition shows the lengths humans have gone to in order to provide plenty of meat, Information, 29 Juli, 2024 (in Danish. requires login)
The art of the possible, Weekendavisen, 21 March 2024 (in Danish, requires login)